As my small business has been growing in the last year, I have put a lot of thought into the message I want to convey.
As you may know, my program started as wanting to help others based on my own experience with clean healthy eating after difficult birth delivery. Per demands of relatives and friends, I created the KCC groups in May 2017 to help ladies how to improve their lifestyle to a healthier one.
It was not an easy task to find a good catchy meaningful name, but after lots of brainstorming and feedback from my close friends and family, I was so happy and satisfied to settle on the new logo and suitable company name FULLY IN BALANCE with the appropriate meaning behind it.
The logo represents my philosophy that everyone is different, we all have different personalities, genes, size, height, goals, and finding a balance in life will differ from person to person.
A healthy lifestyle does not have an end, it is a continuation which can change depending on our experiences at different stages of life.
The incomplete circles and various sizes on the logo represent bio? individuality and that no one needs be complete or be equal to others to be FULLY IN BALANCE.

A big THANK YOU to all of you for helping me reach this stage of my business. Without your trust in me and a willingness to make changes for a healthier you, I would not have been able to reach this stage today. It is only thanks to you that I can carry on being motivated in guiding you and new clients to a healthier lifestyle.
LOGO AND BRANDING CREDITS: to my dear friend and professional Ailyn Eida, without her help, talent, and guidance on the brainstorming, I wouldn’t be able to have such an amazing brand!