Is this Elul different from others?

Is this Elul different from others?


It’s that time of year again – Elul is once again upon us and we tend to turn to reflection and introspection.
It’s really been a strange year, with COVID-19 challenging us in ways we haven’t been challenged for a long time. Looking back, everyone coped with the pandemic in their own ways; it’s been quite interesting talking to clients and seeing how they have all developed different coping mechanisms and strategies.
Some people ended up eating much more junk food than usual, while others went to the other extreme and made healthy eating a priority. Whichever one describes you better, don’t worry – it’s all very normal! If you know me, you know I am not the judging type even if I’m a Nutrition Health Coach! Always here to support my clients to make the best of each situation. It has been an intensely difficult few months and whatever worked for you – to keep you sane – is fine.
But now that –hopefully – the worst is behind us, and especially with it being Elul, when we automatically want to try and improve and be better, it is definitely a good time to stop and take stock of how well we are looking after our bodies.
Hashem does countless miracles all the time, but the miracle that amazes me the most is the one which is our very own bodies!
When we discover how much Hashem is constantly doing for us – every minute of every day – It should make us feel so grateful and happy.
Did you know that your body knows how to speak to you?
It knows what it needs, if only you could learn how to listen to it, and what to do with those clues. We can do this by listening to our bodies signals on how, what and when to eat or not to eat. In fact, our bodies know very well what they need to be satisfied and healthy – we just have to learn to understand the messages it is sending us!
My goal as a Nutrition Health Coach is to empower women to make healthy choices and keep their body fully in balance to work at it’s very best.
My experience has been that when women have the tools and learn the system to change their mindset, they can consequently lead their entire families on the path of a healthier lifestyle. We mothers have enormous power – we literally are the “Akeret Habayit”!
Hashem gave us the most amazing resources in our body and truthfully it is up to us to take good care of it and keep things working at their optimal best. We have a mitzvah in the Torah to look after ourselves, with one of the reasons given, that to do mitzvot we need to have energy, strength and a healthy body.
As the Rambam so famously says;

‘Since, by keeping the body healthy, we walk in Hashem’s ways – as it is impossible for a person to delve into the knowledge of Hashem when he is sick – therefore one must avoid whatever is harmful to the body and cultivate healthy habits,


(Rambam, Hilchot Dei’ot)

Let’s utilise this year Elul to decide to bring ourselves and our families more in touch with keeping the wonderful gifts Hashem gave us in good working order – Fully in Balance!

Photo credit: Shira Brunschwig (my 11yr old)


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