Healthy with a Twist

Healthy with a Twist

The Jewish mother is without a doubt the busiest person in the world; with all that we have to juggle, I don’t think anyone is capable of doing what we do! One of the major areas of our lives is obviously feeding our families, whether it is the regular 3 meals a day, the weekly Shabbos meals or the bigger challenges of Yamim Tovim. And it’s not just cooking, it’s the planning and shopping first, and then the cooking, plating and serving, and don’t forget the cleaning up afterwards! And of course we want our meals to be healthy, tasty and appetizing, without serving the same thing at every meal as well. This is be healthy with a twist! 

Rather a tall order, don’t you think?!
Women that have worked with me know that I can help get you started in healthy eating habits, keep you motivated, and connect you to new flavors and ingredients in the kosher world. After seeing so many clients; wonderful women who are really committed to helping themselves and their families attain better heath, I realized that women really need some help to get through the busy month of Tishrei – or Chanuka or Pesach just the same – without compromising on their healthy cooking and eating habits.
The idea of creating this salad recipe book came about as many clients, after completing my 4-week program, were asking for ideas on how to replace this and that to make their favorite dishes and always claimed that the hardest time to keep on track on their healthy journey is Shabbos and “Yamim Tovim”.
I ful­ly under­stand the lifestyle of the busy mom and I often work with what­ev­er ingre­di­ents hap­pen to be at hand. After trying many recipes that taste delicious and also give the best nutrients to my family, I decided to start a series of E-books with my favorite foods, starting with healthy salads.
I chose to start with salads because I thought healthy salad recipes would be a real help for all the busy balabustas. Salads add so much to a meal and can really be made in a much healthier way than is traditionally done, without sacrificing on taste or presentation.
With so many “Yamim Tovim” in our calendar, shopping, cooking and hosting is a never ending story… what better feeling if you can serve healthy food with the right nutrients that will benefit your loved ones?
Fun family project
I set myself a goal of having the book ready in time for the “Tishrei Yamim Tovim” last year, and worked throughout the spring, creating, testing and adapting delicious salad recipes, to finish it on time.
Actually it became a whole family project, which reinforced my belief that it is a good idea to involve children in meal preparation; besides for all the fun they have, the children are learning and absorbing the ideas of healthy cooking and eating without lectures about it, and of course they are much more likely to eat the food that they have helped to prepare!
The way we did it was, for every Shabbat after Pesach 2019, I made a list with all the different salads I wanted to include with a variety of ingredients, herbs and spices – we chose a a couple to start creating, adapting and testing taste. The children helped with washing and cutting the vegetables as well as the more creative parts of plating the salads to be photographed. Then we experimented with taking pictures with different angles and lighting to create the perfect pictures for the book.

My children loved being so involved and they really feel they have co-authored the book with me! (I should really put all their names on the front cover 😉)

My e-book, Healthy Salads to Enhance your Table, was launched last summer, and B”H it was extremely successful; over a 100 copies were sold and the women who purchased it gave me such lovely feedback.

Dalia, you’ve done it again! I love all the recipes in this new E-book! Completely new exciting recipes and with delicious combinations of ingredients to make that flavor twist. Love the avocado mayo!!

Chana Levin, Israel

My recipes are all tried and true, many requir­ing basic ingre­di­ents; my stat­ed goal is not per­fec­tion, but rather new ideas for the coming “Yamim Tovim” with com­fort and love in every bite.
There are over 30 recipes in this book, with a mixture of classic, traditional and new salads and dips and all are tried and tested. My recipes contain no sugar and only healthy fats. Each page has step by step instructions and illustrated pictures to help you get the perfect results. There are also many useful extra notes throughout the book.
I believe the secret of a good salad is in the dressing; with the right mixture of oil, vinegar and spices you can upgrade your salads to another level.

Try out the new Salad E-book HERE– you will be pleasantly surprised how easily you can enhance your Yom Tov meals in such a healthy way, and your family will love the results!

Photo credit: Shira Brunschwig (my 11yr old)


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