Our bodies are a wonderful miracle machine from Hashem, and as a woman, I deeply appreciate and embrace that even more. The fact that we have a cycle that works – in most cases – like a clock, and that we can conceive, and give birth to another human being, is nothing short of extraordinary. Acceptance of these capabilities adds even greater meaning to the incredible miracles that our bodies are capable of.
The message I would love to shout out to the world is; the number on the scale does NOT define your worth!! Just remember your body doesn’t need to be changed, diet culture does! If you want to lose weight, do it for health reasons but YOU don’t have to wait to lose 10 pounds/kilos to be happy!!
“I hate my stomach”
“My legs are too big”
A lot of the women I work with struggle with the same thing…saying things like
“I’ll never be happy until I lose X kilos”
“I’m so disgusting”
“I deserve to punish myself with a binge”
This negative self-talk is self-destructive and can fuel difficult behaviors with food like the restrict/binge cycle & feelings of guilt, stress & shame around food.
Remember you are perfect and unique because this is exactly how Hashem made you!